Mount Saver Concentrate

164.00517.00 excl. VAT

The Mount Medix Mount Saver is our original product.  Its specifically used to rid mounts of damaging insects.  Mount Saver will kill moths and dermistids in all forms of their lifecycle, including the eggs.

Dilution ratio: 9,7 part water : 1 part concentrate
• 946ml concentrate makes 10.12 litre “Ready-To-Use”
• 3.78 litre concentrate makes 40,45 litre “Ready-To-Use”

Used by: Hunters, Trophy Collectors, Museums & Taxidermist.

Earn up to 16 points.

Additional information

Weight N/A

3.780ltr, 946ml

Instructions / Back label

All NATURAL – Contains no chemical pesticides, pleasant scent, nongreasy
Instructions for use: SHAKE WELL. For more information and helpful hints, go to If possible remove mount to a well-ventilated area (if using more than 0,5 litre), preferably outdoors. If “IN PLACE” application is required, reduce usage quantities to moisten the hair or surfaces to whatever is tolerable and increase the wrap duration to two or more days; some room ventilation will be required. If possible, remove loose debris from the mount using vacuum or compressed air. Liberally apply Mount Saver solution to the animal making sure to thoroughly wet all hair, feathers, hide areas, skin areas and all mount surfaces as applicable. Manually work Mount Saver solution into the mount if necessary. Let excess solution drain from mount and wipe to remove excess solution. Cover mount with Polyethylene bag or Polyethylene sheet wrap and let stand for 4 hours. Remove wrap and allow the mount to dry. This can be accelerated with fans or blow dryers. Fluff and comb hair or feathers into desired condition.
Material Usage: An average life size black bear will require 2-3 litres for treatment. A typical shoulder mount Fallow Deer will require about 120-240ml (1,2 – 2,4dl).

Mount Medix – Mount Saver

UFI: N300-W0XH-W00C-GWV5

GB: Warning: Causes serious eye irritation. Contains Carvone (ISO). May produce an allergic reaction. Wear eye protection. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do – continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists get medical advice / attention. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Dispose of contents / container in accordance with national regulations. Contains <5% anionic surfactants. Perfume (Geraniol).
DK: Advarsel. Forårsager alvorlig øjenirritation. Indeholder Carvone (ISO). Kan udløse allergisk reaktion. Bær øjenbeskyttelse. VED KONTAKT MED ØJNENE: Skyl forsigtigt med vand i flere minutter. Fjern eventuelle kontaktlinser, hvis dette kan gøres let. Fortsæt skylning. Ved vedvarende øjenirritation: Søg lægehjælp. Indeholder <5% anioniske overfladeaktive stoffer. Parfume (Geraniol).
SE: Varning. Orsakar allvarlig ögonirritation. Innehåller Carvone (ISO). Kan ge upphov till allergisk reaktion. Använd ögonskydd. VID KONTAKT MED ÖGONEN: Skölj försiktigt med vatten i flera minuter. Ta ur eventuella kontaktlinser om det går lätt. Fortsätt att skölja. Vid bestående ögonirritation: Sök läkarhjälp. Innehåller <5% anjoniska tensider. Parfym (Geraniol).
HU: Figyelem. Súlyos szemirritációt okoz. Carvone (ISO) tartalmaz. Allergiás reakciót válthat ki. Szemvédő használata kötelező. SZEMBE KERÜLÉS esetén: Több percig tartó óvatos öblítés vízzel. Adott esetben a kontaktlencsék eltávolítása, ha könnyen megoldható. Az öblítés folytatása. Ha a szemirritáció nem múlik el: orvosi ellátást kell kérni. Tartalmaz <5% anionos felületaktív anyagok, illatszerek (Geraniol).
ES: Atención. Provoca irritación ocular grave. Contiene Carvone (ISO). Puede provocar una reacción alérgica. Llevar gafas de protección. EN CASO DE CONTACTO CON LOS OJOS: Aclarar cuidadosamente con agua durante varios minutos. Quitar las lentes de contacto, si lleva y resulta fácil. Seguir aclarando. Si persiste la irritación ocular: Consultar a un médico. Contiene <5% tensioactivos aniónicos. Perfumes (Geraniol).
NL: Waarschuwing. Veroorzaakt ernstige oogirritatie. Bevat Carvone (ISO). Kan een allergische reactie veroorzaken. Beschermende oog­bescherming dragen. BIJ CONTACT MET DE OGEN: voorzichtig afspoelen met water gedurende een aantal minuten; contactlenzen verwijderen, indien mogelijk; blijven spoelen. Bij aanhoudende oogirritatie: een arts raadplegen. Bevat <5% anionogene oppervlakteactieve stoffen. Parfums (Geraniol).
IT: Attenzione. Provoca grave irritazione oculare. Contiene Carvone (ISO). Può provocare una reazione allergica. Proteggere gli occhi. IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON GLI OCCHI: sciacquare accuratamente per parecchi minuti. Togliere le eventuali lenti a contatto se è agevole farlo. Continuare a sciacquare. Se l’irritazione degli occhi persiste, consultare un medico. Contiene <5 % tensioattivi anionici. Profumi (Geraniol).
FR: Attention. Provoque une sévère irritation des yeux. Contient Carvone (ISO). Peut produire une réaction allergique. Porter un équipement de protection des yeux. EN CAS DE CONTACT AVEC LES YEUX: Rincer avec précaution à l’eau pendant plusieurs minutes. Enlever les lentilles de contact si la victime en porte et si elles peuvent être facilement enlevées. Continuer à rincer. Si l’irritation oculaire persiste: consulter un médecin. Contient <5% agents de surface anioniques. Parfums (Geraniol).
NO: Advarsel. Gir alvorlig øyeirritasjon. Inneholder Carvone (ISO). Kan gi en allergisk reaksjon. Benytt vernebriller. VED KONTAKT MED ØYNENE: Skyll forsiktig med vann i flere minutter. Fjern eventuelle kontaktlinser dersom dette enkelt lar seg gjøre. Fortsett skyllingen. Ved vedvarende øyeirritasjon: Søk legehjelp. Inneholder <5% anioniske overflateaktive stoffer. Parfyme (Geraniol).
DE: Achtung. Verursacht schwere Augenreizung. Enthält Carvone (ISO). Kann allergische Reaktionen hervorrufen. Augenschutz tragen. Bei Kontakt mit den Augen: Einige Minuten lang behutsam mit Wasser spülen. Vorhandene Kontaktlinsen nach Möglichkeit entfernen. Weiterspülen. Bei anhaltender Augenreizung: Ärztlichen Rat einholen / ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen. Enthält <5% anionische Tenside, Duftstoffe (Geraniol).

Company: Like Nature Aps,
Randersvej 397, DK-8380 Trige, Denmark.
Tel: +45 60538126 Contact:

Technical Bulletin

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Safety Data Sheets

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