
Scenes-n-Nature® manufactures taxidermy supplies for professionals and amateurs alike to create realistic habitats or other displays with ease and even replicate antler velvet. All of their products build on each other for the best results every time. These innovative products allow you to match any animal’s natural environment and construct a completely unique mount.

Nature’s Terrain is a revolutionary, innovative system that allows taxidermists to create a customized habitat to match any animal’s natural environment unlike others on the market. These products easily and efficiently replicate realistic rocks and terrain from various regions that are lightweight and can be crafted in minutes. With this no-fail system, all products work together with simple techniques for the most realistic habitat scenery every time.

Product Videos

Discover why Scenes-n-Nature® taxidermy products can help you easily achieve the realistic look and detail you desire in your mount or habitat. Also gain knowledge on how to use the taxidermy supplies, and find out great tips and techniques from Scenes-n-Nature® product developers and fellow taxidermists. Click here to view the videos

Everything at your fingertips

This full-color Catalog contains product information for Scenes-n-Nature®. Inside are tips and techniques, photos and more. The format of this catalog is designed to showcase how taxidermists can build products on top of each other to construct a unique and personalized mount. Click this link to view a FREE PDF version of the Catalog.

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